In my wild and fantastic life, there are a number of people that are kinda important to me. So, that means that if you're reading my blog, they're gonna become kinda important to you too! (Just amuse me here people!)
My Children
K1 -17, female
K2-11, female
K3-8, also female :)
My kids are my life. I love them more than I ever thought possible and my worst day with them is still better than any day without them!
My Family
H- My father (I'd tell ya his age, but 1. I can't remember and 2. He'd kill me!)
He is amazing and I love him!
D- My mommy! She is my inspiration! She has overcome many obstacles in her life and despite having muscular dystrophy; she has raised four kids and helped raise numerous grand kids! She rocks!!
L- Oldest sister and she is the one that I would say I am the closest with, we share a lot of the same views and I know that even though we have our fights, I can always count on her. She has seven kids and one granddaughter.
K- Middle sister, we’re not as close as I wish we were but we both are pretty busy with our own lives! She has two little girls.
M- The baby of the group! She is the most adventurous of the group and she has traveled to soo many places!!
My Friends
SG- one of my closest friends, she is also the one that drives me crazy the most. She is one of the best Christian ladies that I know and I love her dearly!
B- another beautiful Christian lady, her sweet spirit instantly calm me when I'm upset.. I treasure both of these friendships!!
KF- My friend that lives across the street from me (well, one of my friends that live across the, she is wild, crazy, sweet and the most devoted mother I've ever met in my life!!! I would be lost without her because she keeps me grounded!! She is mommy to one of the silliest five-years-old I've ever met!!
LH- Another friend from across the street, she has been my shoulder to whine on more times than I can remember!! Another great mom, I'm lucky to be surrounded by such good influences!!
C- She and I just recently started talking and let me tell you about this crazy chick, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her laugh!!!! She is so blunt and straight forward, I love it!! She also has two young girls that K2 and K3 love to play with!!
SP- She is another friend that I would be lost without because she has listened to me whine, cry, pout and yet still manages to be my
Her daughter J and I are also friends and she is so silly too!! SP is raising her beautiful grand daughter!
E - She has been such a wonderful friend to me! Without her, I would have been completely overwhelmed last year when dealing with K3 and all that has needed to be put into place!!
J- He is the man I am madly in love with :D (Feel better?) Okay, lol he is pretty important to me, but at the moment..he lives in Florida and I live in NC and we're both pretty busy, so we don't talk nearly as much as I would like :(
My Autism Mommies
C- I'd be crazy without being able to read her posts and go 'Man..I can relate to that!!', she keeps me sane!!
E- Another great mom that has made me realize I'm not the only one out here!!
There are more, but these are the people that I find myself talking about the most!!
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